About Me

I’m a native of Kansas City, Missouri, where I live with my wife, Maura Cluthe, and our dogs, Rosie and Gus.

I’m a self-taught nerd, starting with an Apple II in high school, and working with a Mac Plus in college to edit the newspaper and yearbook. My first job was as a technology assistant for the special education department at a public school district. I am currently the Director of Campus Technology at the Kansas City Art Institute where I get to work at the crossroads of two of my passions, art and technology.

My wife and I are collectors: of art, toy VW Beetles, toy Robots, vinyl (both toys and records), books, Legos, etc. The rule in our house is if we own three or more of a thing, it’s a collection. I’m a voracious and eclectic reader. I also like to doodle and dabble a bit with photography.